

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Encyclopedia of Psychology

Psychology Metasite

Encyclopedia of Psychology

 Encyclopedia of Psychology
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Career (30)
What career, why, and how to begin
Environment Behavior Relationships(704)
The Study of Psychological Phenomena
Organizations (138)
Organizations and Institutions of Psychology
Paradigms and Theories (53)
Ways of thinking about Psychology

People and History (80)
The history of Psychology, and its people
Publications (322)
Publications and Documents
Resources (360)
Resources for Information
Underlying Reductionistic Machinery (37)
The Biological Factors Underlying Behavior

The Encyclopedia of Psychology is intended to facilitate browsing in any area of psychology. There are two paths envisioned for this purpose:
  1. Original information generated by respected researchers and practitioners in various fields of psychology.
  2. A hierarchical database of links to websites providing information about scientific psychology.
The Hierarchical database has been constructed using Links Engine from Gossamer Threads Inc and will of course be constantly changing as new sites are added and old ones removed. If you have sites you feel belong in this database, feel free to submit them. If a site belongs in multiple categories, submit it in each relevant category. The database administrators will review submitted sites and their categorization and if they concur will add the sites to the database. Our intent is to create a set of links that represent the best available sites organized in a manner that furthers the understanding of Psychology as a science.

The information on this site is to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for seeking qualified professional care for the diagnosis, treatment and care of medical or psychiatric disorders.

We are constantly in the process of searching out sites and categorizing them. If your site entry is miscategorized or has errors, either fill out the modify form or E-mail Don Walter at walter@psychology.orgwith the correct information.

If you feel new categories should be added, or have technical/administrative questions, E-mail Don Walter at

Direct content related comments and suggestions to:
William Palya
Department of Psychology, Jacksonville State University

Jacksonville State UniversitySEBAC Psychology Server

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