

Friday, August 30, 2013

Psychometricians and Psychologists Online Application for Registration Without Examination


The grandfather clause of  RA 10029 or the Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 provides for exemption of examination as contained in the following sections of the said law:

Section 16. Registration Without Examination for Psychologists. - A person who possesses the qualifications required to take the examination for registration as a psychologist pursuant to the provisions of this Act may be registered without examination: Provided, That the applicant files with the Board within three (3) years after its creation an application for registration and issuance of certificate of registration and professional identification card by submitting credentials satisfactory to the Board that the applicant had, on or prior to the effectivity of this Act, fulfilled the requirements under either subparagraphs (a), (b) or (c) herein:

(a) Obtained a doctoral degree in psychology and had accumulated three (3) years of work experience in the practice of psychology;
(b) Obtained a master's degree in psychology and accumulated a minimum of five (5) years of work experience in the practice of psychology;
(c) Psychologists or employees who hold positions as psychologists presently employed in various government or private agencies, who have a bachelor's degree in psychology, accumulated a minimum of ten (10) years of work experience in the practice of psychology as a psychologist, and who have updated their professional education in various psychology-related functions.

Section 17. Registration Without Examination for Psychometricians. - A person who possesses the qualifications required to take the examination for registration as a psychometrician may be registered without examination:Provided, That the applicant files with the Board within three (3) years after its creation an application for registration and issuance of a certificate of registration and professional identification card by submitting credentials satisfactory to the Board that the applicant before the effectivity of this Act had obtained a bachelor's degree in psychology and had accumulated a minimum of two (2) years full time work experience in the practice of psychometrics.

The deadline for registration without examination is up until May 21, 2015. Below is the directive lifted from the website of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

(Note the original text contains info about Respiratory Therapists which we removed in order not to confuse and have a focus. Check the original link here - )


Online Application for Registration Without Examination

This facility is for the exclusive use of applicants for registration without examination and is available up to:
  • May 21, 2015 - for Psychologists and Psychometricians

Please read carefully the entire instructions and information provided below so you will be guided properly on the procedures, requirements and timetables for registration without examination.
  1. Before submitting an application for registration without examination, the applicant must:

    1. Decide what the application for registration without examination is for (whether for Psychologist or Psychometrician or both). Separate forms and payment will be required for each application.
    2. Determine whether applicant satisfies the qualification standards for Psychologist and Psychometrician. 
    3. Determine if applicant can satisfy all the documentary requirements within 15 days from the time of online application. The documentary requirements for Psychologist, Psychometrician, or Respiratory Therapist are provided hereunder:

      For Psychologist

      1. Original and Photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth in NSO Security Paper for Filipino citizens. In case of a foreign citizen, a copy of the law of the state or country which permits Filipino Psychologists to practice on the same basis as its subject or citizens, duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate therein.
      2. Original and photocopy of Marriage Certificate in NSO security paper (for married female only)
      3. Original and photocopy of Transcript of Records with scanned picture and with the Special Order Number indicated (for both undergraduate and graduate degrees). Where school is exempted from the issuance of an SO, a certificate of authentication and validation (CAV) must be secured from CHED.
      4. For those who do not have a master's degree, a certified true copy of of at least 100 hours of updating seminars and workshops attended from June 2005 to June 2010 must be presented/submitted
      5. Original Certificates of Practice/Work Experience(s):
        1. Certificate of Employment from immediate superior duly noted by either the HR Manager or Employer specifying the position title, nature of work and specific period of employment duly sworn in by the issuing authorities. Official Job Description signed by the HR Manager must be attached, and for government employees, the official service record specifying the position item must also be submitted.
        2. For those who are self-employed, applicant must submit the following:
          1. Certificate of private practice from colleagues, professional partners and/or institutional clients, specifying the nature of work/services rendered and the duration thereof, duly sworn in and notarized under oath
          2. Work contract(s), if any, and/or sworn in statement of the practitioner specifying the nature, scope and duration of project engagement or services rendered, and the regularity of service-delivery with the undertaking that documentary evidence will be produced when required by the Board
          3. Business permit and DTI registration
      6. Three (3) Original Certificates of Good Moral Character from any of the following: school, employer, church, and/or Barangay Captain duly signed by issuing authority and notarized under oath
      7. Original Certificate of Mental Health or Mental Fitness from a Psychiatrist or from a Registered/Certified Clinical Psychologist, duly signed and notarized under oath
      8. Original and photocopy of valid NBI Clearance plus Ombudsman clearance for government employees
      9. Two (2) colored passport-size picture with white background and complete name tag
      10. Photocopy of Community Tax Certificate

      For Psychometrician

      1. Original and Photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth in NSO security paper for Filipino citizens. In case of a foreign citizen, a copy of the law of the state or country which permits Filipino Psychometricians to practice on the same basis as its subject or citizens, duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate therein.
      2. Original and photocopy of Marriage Certificate in NSO security paper (for married female only)
      3. Original and photocopy of Transcript of Records for Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (AB/BS) with scanned picture. Special Order Number must be indicated. Where school is exempted from the issuance of an SO, a certificate of authentication and validation (CAV) must be secured from CHED.
      4. Original certificate of full-time work experience as a Psychometrician or full time work engagement in the practice of psychometrics for a minimum of 2 years, either from immediate superior (if employed) or from institutional clients, professional partners/colleagues (if on private practice), specifying the nature of work, duly sworn in and notarized under oath. Official job description must be attached.
      5. Original and photocopy of valid NBI Clearance; plus Clearance from the Ombudsman for those in government service.
      6. Three (3) original Certificates of Good Moral Character, from any of the following: school/former professor, employer, church, and/or Barangay Captain duly signed by issuing authority and notarized under oath
      7. Two (2) colored passport-size pictures with white background and complete name tag
      8. Photocopy of Community Tax Certificate

      NOTE: For applicants working abroad, the required documents must be certified by the Philippine Overseas Labor Office near the place of work.

  2. As soon as applicant has ascertained (1) which registration without examination to apply for (as Psychologist, Psychometrician or both); (2) that he/she satisfies the qualification requirements; and (3) can satisfy all the documentary requirements within the time stated, the applicant is ready to proceed to submit his/her application online.

  3. After receiving an acknowledgement through applicant's email that the application for registration without examination has been submitted successfully together with an order form for payment, applicant must follow the steps hereunder:

    1. On the assigned date, applicant must go to the Customer Service Center of the nearest PRC office and secure one (1) P15 metered documentary stamp. Affix the documentary stamp on the space provided in the application form, sign it and indicate the date when the application form was accomplished. Applicant can then proceed to the cashier's window for the payment of the application/processing fee (P900.00 for each application to be processed).

    2. Submit a copy of the official receipt (OR) evidencing payment together with the duly accomplished application form and documents to:

      • For Psychologist and Psychometrician - Window 12, Application Division at the Ground Floor of PRC Main Building
      • PRC Regional Offices

      Submit all required documents in a clear book with the confirmation number and official notice of submission from the PRB on the first page, a table of contents on the second, the printed application form on the third page, and the rest of the documents in subsequent pages arranged according to the list provided.

      The application processor will conduct an initial screening of the application documents and should inform the applicant of any deficiency at this time. Applicant should receive a claim stub after initial screening is done.

    3. After receipt by PRC of applicant's documents, he/she should wait for official notification from PRC through his/her email account. Applicant is also advised to check the PRC website regularly to check whether the application has been approved or call tel. no. 3101018 to inquire about the status of application.      
For more information go to this link -

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