

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Information from the site of DSM 5

To the DSM-5 User Community:
When the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was released at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting in May 2013, it marked the end of more than a decade’s journey in revising the criteria for the diagnosis and classification of mentaldisorders. Although DSM-5 is now complete, a great deal of work remains, and we are hopeful that once again you will play an active role in this next important phase of refining the manual. Our highest priority is ensuring the proper use of DSM-5, including providing training materials; answering questions about its implementation in clinical care and research; clarifying concerns about the new ICD codes and insurance billing; and correcting any errors. Information about DSM-5’s developmental history, including Task Force and Work Group membership and relevant resource documents, will also continue to be maintained here.
Professionals from the mental health and medical communities, patients and their families, and members of the public have had a strong voice in DSM-5 up to this point, and we hope to continue this dialogue over the coming years. Your input made this a remarkable collaborative process. We encourage you to continually visit this site to remain updated on its content and to provide feedback for future improvements.
On behalf of all those involved in the development of DSM-5, we thank you and look forward to hearing from you.
David Kupfer, MD, Chair, DSM-5 Task Force
Darrel Regier, MD, MPH, Vice-Chair, DSM-5 Task Force

Source link -

FAQ link -

Highlight of Changes from DSM 4 TR

DSM 5 FB Page

Critical Look at DSM or the State of Psychiatry

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