

Monday, June 20, 2016

What to review for BLEPP: DSM IV-TR or DSM5?

One of the frequently asked questions that we receive on our FB Page is "What to review DSM IV-TR or DSM5 for the BLEPP?" (DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders / BLEPP - Board Licensure Examinations for Psychologists and Psychometricians).

In the 2016 proposed changes of the TOS (Table of Specifications) for Abnormal Psychology, comparing it with the 2014 TOS, nowhere will you find DSM or ICD 10 specifically or categorically stated as basis for identifying common psychological disorders and its specific symptoms. DSM was a creation of the American Psychiatric Association while the International Classifcation of Diseases (ICD) was made by the World Health Organization (WHO).

So how do we reply to the query. We would answer and reply back to study both DSM IV-TR and DSM5 and be familiarized as well with ICD10. The video below taken from APA link serves as an overview of the changes from the old DSM to the current one. There were reorganization/rearrangement made, some addition on specifier, comorbidity and the like. Some of the major changes, Schizophrenia got expanded through a spectrum;  Mood Disorder is now integrated among Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder; and  Anxiety disorders is now split further into: Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders and Trauma- and stressor-related disorders. It appears that with all the expansion made in DSM5, ICD 10 serves to reflect the older DSM version.

With all those so many disorders so what one should focus into? No definite answer but we would suggest those who ask to refer  to the CHED Course Content since it is the mandated requirements by CHED which I hope the PRC-Board of Psychology would take into consideration when making the exam.

At least cover the following topics:
a) Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood or adolescence
b) Cognitive Disorders
c) Substance-related Disorders
d) Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorder
e) Mood Disorders
f) Anxiety Disorders
g) Dissociative Disorders
h) Personality Disorders

Still a lot - better be prepared than regret later on.

Below is a video from APA website -


Other related links:

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