

Friday, June 17, 2016

2016 Proposed Revision of TOS for BLEPP

Dear PAP members,

The PRB/Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology (PRBP) recently sent a proposed revision of the TOS (Table of Specifications for Psychology) for the licensure exams (see embedded file).  

We are requesting our PAP members to read and comment on the revisions made re: TOS.  We hope to receive your comments within next week for  PAP collation, comments will then be forwarded to the PRB board.

Kindly direct your emails to Dr. John Manuel Kliatchko ( and Dr. Ma. Paz A. Manaligod  (

We appreciate your kind attention.


Ma. Paz A. Manaligod, PhD, RP
Executive Secretary

Unlike the weights for Psychologist Board Exam, for Psychometricians the weights remain the same. The 2016 proposed TOS is observed to be expanded adding more items to the former enumerated out. So it will be more challenging for the examinees to answer. However, the TOS is now more specific and clearer since it was expanded. Some of the outcomes if not the same were restated to make them clearer. 

The use of words such as assess, compare, evaluate, explain, analyze and distinguish belong to the higher level  in the hierarchy of Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning categorized in the level of Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation.

As such, the BLEPP as an outcome based exam, examinees should pay more attention on the kind of questions they are required to answer and employ corresponding skills necessary to pass the exam.  Since the exam is not simply recall or memorizing and remembering data or facts.

We hope that readers will do as requested by PAP to provide them comment about the TOS that they will forward to the PRB. So we provided a table and our comments comparing the 2014 (old) TOS with the 2016 (proposed) TOS. You can comment both on the comment section of this blog and in our FB page/groups.

TOS items 1, 2, and 5 are restatements, although higher level of thinking is required. Item No. 3 on theories and models is more explicitly than its 2014 version. Item No. 4 perhaps the use of "multipath model" is more appropriate than "multipath theory" per David Sue's (Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 9th Ed.) "The multi-path model is not a theory, but a way of looking at the variety and complexity of contributors to 
mental disorders."

Mostly carry over of the previous TOS except for item 2, it is explicit on group test results and item 5 added outcome is the implication to test interpretations when there's deviations committed and non-standardized practices. 

 TOS for item 2 the outcome task is more on evaluation (determine and appraise) unlike the previous one which is just to identify factors affecting personality. Also, in item 3 is more expanded to include research methods and including behavior, attitude and values of Filipinos (which may form part of personality). 

TOS for item 1 is expanded to include tools and methods in employee selection (outcome is on analysis).  Items 2 and 3 are also expanded particularly on the aspect of major considerations, strategies and methods. Item 4 added compensation systems. Item 5 is expanded to include leadership and organizational development. Item 6 also expanded to include functional units of Human Resource Management System. Item 7 expanded to include also implications of work life balance and well being to I/O Psychology.  

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