

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Additional Reference and Review Materials

Filipino Personality A Review of Research and Writings 
by A. Timothy Church


Here I review personality research in one non-Western culture, the Philippines. Reports from diverse cultures remind one that personality findings reflect the cultural setting from which they emerge, lead to "cross-indigenous" comparisons between alternative cultural perspectives, and suggest hypotheses about cultural generality versus uniqueness. I illustrate the impact of cultural context on topics studied; on the applicability of concepts, methods, and measures; and on the practice of psychology by using the Philippine case. I also discuss issues regarding the cultural universality versus uniqueness of Filipino personality concepts, current efforts toward developing an indigenous Philippine psychology, and the language issue.

The Way We Work 
Research and Best Practices in Philippine Organizations
Edited by Ma. Regina M. Hechanova
and Edna P. Franco

All the studies in this book will lead the reader to an increased understanding and a deeper appreciation of many aspects of HR concerns and issues. Offers research utilization schemes that are specific, doable interventions appropriate to the findings of each study. (Ateneo Press)

Dictionary of Psychology
J.P. Chaplin


I bought this book as an undergraduate student and have continued to use it as a graduate student. It's been fairly helpful at all levels. One flaw in this book is that some of the entries might be a little vague / opaque to those who don't already know something about the given topic, but by far most of this book is extremely useful and understandable. I do also have to say that as the field of psychology grows, this book is without a doubt going to be in need of an update (I think it was published in the late 80's). There are some new ideas / terms that you simply won't find in the book. Terms in neuropsychology are slim for example. But the entries available leaves you with a good grasp of the basics of the term in question.

I recommend it to undergrads who are just interested in figuring out what your psychology professor is talking about, to anyone wanting to brush up on the basic areas of psychology. It contains clear illustrations, common statistical formulas, a list of Greek symbols found in psychology, and a list of abbreviations commonly found in psychology.

This is a good book for picking up and browsing if you're just trying to edify yourself, and it's a good book to have handy if you are surrounded by psychologists, professors, and text books that will hit you with a term you aren't quite sure of or would like to know more about.

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