

About Us - Team RPm

Currently this blog is now maintained by Tino Repaso. The FB Pages and Groups are maintained and moderated by other volunteers and some of the original admins like Sir Brian.


The Pioneers, TeamRPm (Brian, Donn, Emily, Riyan, Ian, Lordy, Tino) celebrating victory post oath taking ceremony.
The beginning of this blog was posted on June 12, 2013 with the objective: 
So this is the the purpose of this blog, to inform and update my fellow psychology graduates about this opportunity. I will be posting news, update, links, review materials here from time to time. And anything and everything about psychology and its allied disciplines. 
Today the blog has grown with new admins and with other social media presence and expressions that are Psychology related.

This blog and its FB page: Philippine Psychometrician Reviewer has seven pioneer Registered Psychometricians (RPm) who passed the licensure exam in 2014 (BLEPP - Board Licensure Examination for Psychologist and Psychometricians). The blog and FB page continues to operate to serve aspiring RPm. 

Among our additional Blogs:

And  our FB Pages:

And  our FB Groups:

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