

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

PRB of Psychology Resolution No.12 Series of 2017

Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology
Resolution No. 12
Series of 2017

Endorsement, Adoption and Ratification of the International Declaration of Core Competences in Professional Psychology as Part of the Implementing Rules and Regulations Governing the Practice of the Psychology and Pyschometrics Profession in the Philippines

WHEREAS, Section 7 of Republic Act No.10029 also known as the Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 mandates the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology (Board) to monitor the conditions and circumstances affecting the practice of Psychology and Psychometrics in the Philippines and to adopt such measures as may be deemed lawful and proper for the enhancement and maintenance of high professional,  ethical and technical standards of the profession;

WHEREAS, Section 32 of the same law provides that the Board shall adopt and promulgate the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for the Psychology Practitioners that is prescribed and issued by the Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO) for the Psychology and Psychometrics profession;

WHEREAS, Section 26 thereof further states that the Board shall have the power, after notice and hearing, to suspend  or revoke the Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card or to cancel the Special/Temporary Permit granted pursuant to the law on any of the grounds therein set forth, including violations or conspiracy to violate any of the provisions of RA No.10029, its implementing rules and regulations, Code of Ethics and Professional Standards promulgated by the Board.

WHEREAS, the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards shall set forth the ethical and technical principles that shall govern the practice of all Psychologists and Psychometricians in the Philippines;

WHEREAS, as early as July 2013, initiatives have already been undertaken to develop global agreement on identifying the benchmark competencies that define the professional practice of Psychology. These initiatives jumpstarted the launching of the International Project on Competence in Psychology, a multi-stakeholder international project aimed at exploring areas of common understanding and agreement among the participants in the field of Psychology and the creation of the Workgroup and Reference Groups responsible for the drafting of the "International Declaration on Core Competencies in Professional Psychology" (International Declaration);

WHEREAS, stakeholders consultations have been conducted to review the provisions and principles embodied in this International Declaration;

WHEREFORE, upon these premises, the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology (Board) hereby RESOLVES to endorse, adopt and ratify the hereto attached document, entitled "International Declaration on Core Competences in Professional Psychology" (Annex A) as part of the implementing rules and regulations governing the practice of Psychology and Psychometrics professions in the Philippines.

This Resolution, including its Annex, shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its full and complete publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of national circulations.

Let copies hereof be furnished the U.P. Law Center, the Philippine Psychological Association (PAP) and other professional psychology associations/organizations for information.

Done this 6th day of September 2017 in the City of Manila.


Mirriam P. Cue

Alexa P. Abrenica

Imelda Virginia G. Villar

Attested by:

Atty. Lovelika T. Bautista
OIC, Secretary's Office of the Professional Regurds

Approved by:

Teofilo S. Pilando,Jr.

Angeline T. Chua Chiaco

Yolanda D. Reyes

This Resolution No. 12 was published in The Philippine Star Classfinder Section,  pages B10 and B11 on Saturday, 28 October 2017.

Below is a copy of the  International Declaration on Core Competencies in Professional Psychology
that was adopted in toto as Annex A of  Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology
Resolution No. 12, Series of 2017.

Also,  the document below was also adopted by International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) 15 June 2016 and by the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) 25 July 2016).

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