

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sharing Thesis Online

Finally a chance for researchers to have access of both undergraduate and graduate theses. For those of you who answered affirmative (n=145) to the poll with the link below - here is an opportunity to realize your positive answer - and share your thesis to the Philippine Psychology Community -

The Philippine E-Journals  is an expanding collection of academic journals that are made accessible globally through a single Web-based platform. It is hosted by C&E Publishing, Inc., a premier educational publisher in the Philippines and a leader in the distribution of integrated information-based solutions. Philippine E-journals host the Philippine Psychology Journal published by the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) but on a subscription access (not open access).
So you can now email your thesis at [ @]  and they will create an open platform for researcher to access your submitted thesis.  When sending your thesis as a PDF format email attachment - provide the following info:

1) Title
2) Author/s
3) Year
4) School
5) Abstract (not more than 250 words)
6) Keywords (not more than 7)

Hope to see those thesis online soon!

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