

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and the Psychometrician

We have been receiving lots of queries about the requirements to renew license, to think that next month, in November 2015 would only be the first year anniversary of those who were licensed through examinations. To satisfy our inquirers and readers we made this blog post.

Of of the 57 regulated professions of  the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC), 42 professions are required to earn 45 credit units while the rest are only required 30-credit units for them to renew their license. Check page 13 of the Revised Guidelines 2013-774 Revised Guidelines on the Continuing Professional Development  (CPD) below and look for item #35 for Psychologist (45 Credit Units), however it was not explicit if the same units apply to Psychometricians.

The following points were summarized and serve as highlights of the guidelines:

What used to be Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirement for renewing PRC license is now called Continuing Professional Development or CPD. Continuing Professional Development or CPD is the inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills, and ethical values in a post-licensure specialized or in an inter- or multi-disciplinary field of study for assimilation into professional practice, self-directed research and/or lifelong learning.

Creation of CPDC
The resolution requires every professional regulatory board (PRB) to create a Continuing Professional Development Council (CPDC), subject to approval by the Commission.  The council is vested with powers and functions to ensure and set CPD program; evaluate the application and accreditation of CPD programs, providers,  self-directed and/or lifelong learning; monitor the implementation CPD providers; and assess annually and upgrade criteria for accreditation of providers and programs; conduct researches, studies and benchmarking for international alignment; issue operational guidelines; and perform other incidental or related functions. The Council will be composed of a chairperson and two members, subject to certain qualifications and limitations.

CPD Programs in Various Modes 
Aside from the usual or traditional way of earning CPD units through seminars, workshops, training and conferences the resolution allows for other modes to grant credit which include:

Self Directed Learning - on-line trainings, local/international seminars/non-degree courses, institution/company-sponsored training programs, and the like which did not undergo CPD accreditation but may be applied for and awarded CPD units by the respective CPD Councils.

Lifelong Learning - all learning activities undertaken throughout life for the development of competencies and qualifications. (Section 20: Maximum creditable units for self-directed and/or lifelong learning -  A maximum of 15 creditable units (CUs) may be credited for self-directed and/or lifelong learning within the compliance period of three (3) years.  Any excess CUs earned shall not be carried over to the next 3-year period.) 

Authorship - creation of a new idea/work such as technical or professional books, instructional materials, and the like.

Invention/Patent - a technical solution to a problem in any field of human activity which is new, involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable.  (Section 20. Inventions shall be given full credit units for the compliance period.

Post-graduate Academic Studies - master's or doctoral units/degree earned from a school, college or university, or other institutions recognized by pertinent government bodies.

Specialty Training - a non-degree post-graduate training such as residency, externship, specialty and sub-specialty program conducted, or fellowship conferred, by an organization or society, and/or recognized by the pertinent government authority. (Section 19. Any excess credit units shall not be carried over to the next 3-year period, except credit units earned for doctoral and master's degrees or specialty trainings which shall only be credited once during the compliance period.) 

Resource person - a lecturer, speaker, presenter, panelist, reactor, analyst in a specialized field or the like in a seminar or similar activity.

Diploma Program - a program offered by an institution of higher learning which requires a baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate degree for admission.

Professorial Chair - an academic position awarded to a member of a faculty at the tertiary level who has distinguished himself/herself in the field of expertise. 

Application and Accreditation of CPD Providers
CPD Provider is a natural or juridical person that conducts CPD programs accredited by the CPD Council to conduct CPD programs. An individual and/or   firm/partnership/corporation  may apply as  for accreditation as CPD Provider, provided that requirements and qualifications are satisfied. The accreditation will be valid for three (3) years and renewable for another three years only if  the provider is in good standing based on their performance and compliance of the Council's set standards.

Resolution No. 2013-774 (Series of 2013) - Revised Guidelines on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program for all registered and licensed professionals (with Annexes)

LINKS of ANNEXES (all these annexes are also part/included in the above guidelines)

CPD FORM NO. 01 - Application for Accreditation as CPD PROVIDER

CPD FORM NO. 02 - Application Form for Accreditation of CPD Program

CPD FORM NO. 03 - Application for Crediting of Self-Directed and/or Lifelong Learning

CPD FORM NO. 04 - Monitoring Report

CPD FORM NO. 05 - Completion Report on CPD Program

CPD FORM NO. 06 - Affidavit of Undertaking

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