

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Good luck and kita-kits as oath taking

A blessed Sunday to all! 

As we all wind up our review, we would like to share to our new likers some of the posts we made previously about the kind of exam announced during the orientation by the PRC Psychology Board and several links for strategies in answering multiple choice exam.

I would also like to thank all our dedicated co-admins of our Facebook page who shared their time, effort and creativity in making our page more fun, interesting, interactive and informative. We also would like to thank all of you readers and FB likers for having actively participated and exchanged with us. We hope in our small ways we were able to be of help to inform and update, shared quizzes and links, among others for this first ever Board Licensure Examination for Psychometrician.  

We wish everyone good luck and good wishes and may we all see each other at the oath taking comes December 2014.

So, at your leisure time try to read some of the links below which might be of help to you. From our FAQ:

7.2 What is outcome-based assessment?

Dr. Imelda Virgina G. Villar, Board Member of the Board of Psychology of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in her presentation at the Orientation for the Psychology Licensure Exam held on 18 June 2014, she informed a full packed PSSC Auditorium that Psychology will be the first profession to offer Outcome-based Board Exam in the Philippines. Aside from the Board Licensure Examination for Psychologists and Psychometricians (BLEPP) being implemented this coming October for the first time is another milestone in the history of Psychology in the Philippines.

Multiple choice tests

Taking Multiple Choice Exams

Test Taking Tips

Multiple Choice Test Taking Tips

Strategies for Answering Multiple Choice Questions

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