

Monday, September 22, 2014

Program of the Psychometrician Licensure Examination

Updated 26 September 2014

You may now download the schedule here:

Image source -
Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology

Program of the Psychometrician  Licensure Examination to be held on
October 28-29, 2014

Date and Time                       Subjects                             Weight

28 October 2014

7:00 AM - 7:45AM       General Instruction and
                                       Filing of Forms

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM     Theories of Personality                   20%

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM        Industrial Psychology                      20%

29 October 2014

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM    Abnormal Psychology                      20%

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM       Psychological Assessment                40%

General Instruction

1) Your school/building assignment will be posted at the PRC premises one or two days before the examination. Bring your Notice of Admission when you verify your school/building assignment. Visit your school/building assignment prior to the day of examination.

(Note: Use google map - to easily locate your school/building, crowd mapping here - - please help pin locations of schools here for the benefit of those who will be taking the exam, especially those unfamiliar of Metro Manila, salamat po.)

2) Report to the school/building assignment before 6:30 AM on the first day of examination to verify your
room and seat number. Be punctual, late examinees will not be admitted. Examination Fee or ABSENT
examinees will be forfeited.

3. Examinees are required to wear the following attire every examination day:

Male Examinees School uniform/White polo shirts or t-shirts with collar (tucked-in)

Female Examinees School uniform/White blouses or t-shirt  with collar

4. Bring the following on examination day:
a. Notice of Admission
b. Official Receipt
c. Black Ballpen (Black Ink Only)
d. Two or more pencils (No. 2)
e.  One (1) piece of metered-stamped Window Mailing Envelope
f. One (1) piece Long Brown Envelope
g. One (1) piece Long Transparent (non-colored) Plastic Envelope (for keeping your valuables and other
allowed items)

Metered-stamped Window Mailing Envelope

5. The following are PROHIBITED inside the examination premises/rooms.
a. Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials containing coded data/information/formula.
b. Programmable calculators
c. Cellular Phones, Ipods, PS3, PSP, portable computers or similar gadgets/devices.
d. Bags of any kinds (ladies bag and shoulder bags, attache case, backpacks, etc.)
e. Other examination aides not stated on this program.

Note: PRC will not be responsible for prohibited items that will be lost.

6. Read carefully and follow instructions on your Notice of Admission (NOA) and Examinees Kit.

Manila Philippines
September 8, 2014

Approved by

Mirriam P. Cue

Certified Correct

Lovelikat T. Bautista
OIC, Office of the Secretary to the Professional Regulatory Boards

Metered-stamped Window Mailing Envelope

General Instruction to Examinees 
(Back part of NOA)

Source -

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