

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

General Instruction to Examinees found in your NOA

Back of the NOA.

Check and do not ignore the back part of your Notice of Admission (NOA). Below are important instructions that should be observed at all times during the examination. A similar instruction will be reiterated once the program of licensure exam for Psychometrician will be out containing the schedule/date/time and particular subjects that will be taken up on 28-29 October 2014.

General Instruction to Examinees 

1. Bring this Notice of Admission (NOA) every examination day.

2. Attend to your personal needs before the start of examination in every subject. No examinee will be allowed  to go out of the examination room while the examination is in progress.

3. Stop answering the test questions at the end of the time allotted for the subject. Arrange your test papers as follows:
            a) Notice of Admission
            b) Answer Sheet
            c) Test Questionnaire

4. Do not leave the room until:
            a)  your test papers are received by the Room Watcher,
            b) you have signed, indicated the time and set (A or B) on the Examinees Record of Attendance 
            c) the lower portion of your Notice of Admission (Certification on the Receipt of Test Papers) is
                signed by the Room Watcher and returned to you.

Front and bottom part of the NOA.

Prohibited Acts

1. Accepting or receiving anything, including food from any person while the examination is in progress.

2. Giving money, food, or any favor and other consideration to the Room Watchers and other examination personnel.

3.  Loitering, talking, or discussing your answers inside the room or along the corridor while the exam is in progress.

4. Taking out of the examination room any questions used in the examination, copying, and or divulging or making known the nature or content of any examination question or answer to any individual or entity. When you are through with the examination, return unused answer sheets or any other test materials furnished you by the Room Watcher.

5. Copying or referring to any solution, answer or work of another examinee or allowing anyone to copy or refer to your work, helping or asking help from any person or communicating with anyone by means of words, signs, gestures, codes and other similar acts which may enable you to change, impart or acquire relevant information.

6.  Bringing inside the examination rooms the following: books, notes, review materials and other printed materials containing principles or excerpts thereof, coded data/information/formula which are relevant to or connected with the examination subject, programmable calculators, cellular phones, beepers, portable computers or other similar gadgets/devices. The act shall be considered cheating and/or act of dishonesty and shall be a ground for the cancellation of your examination papers and suspension or debarment from future licensure examinations. (PRC Resolution No. 463 dated November 27, 1995).

Maintain discipline at all times. Any misconduct or irregularity on your part or any violation of the examination rules and regulations and instructions 
will be sufficient cause for the cancellation of your examination papers and your debarment from 
taking any future licensure examination.

What to bring:
  • NOA (Notice of Admission)
  • PRC Official Receipt
  • Pencils No. 1 or 2 
  • Ballpens (Black ink only)
  • 1 pc Window Mailing Envelope with Metered postage stamp
  • 1 pc Long Brown Envelope
  • 1 pc Long Transparent (Non-colored) Plastic Envelope    

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