

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Printed References for Published Psychological Tests

From the FAQ/Finding Information About Psychological Tests of American Psychological Association website -

The four most popular, useful and easy to locate printed references for published tests are TIP, MMY, Tests and Test Critiques. The following is a brief summary of these references.
  • Tests in Print (TIP) Publisher: The Buros Institute for Mental Measurements, Lincoln, NE. Most current volume: 7th ed. (2006).
What information is here? TIP is a bibliographic encyclopedia of information on every published (and commercially available) test in psychology and achievement. Each entry consists of the test title, intended population, publication date, acronym (if applicable), author, publisher, foreign adaptations and references. There are no critical reviews or psychometric information on the tests; detailed information on individual tests is available in other reference books such as MMY or Test CritiquesTIP was created to serve as a master index to the whole Buros Institute reference series on tests, including the 15 MMYs and the monograph series.
What tests are included? The only criterion for inclusion is that the test be in print and available for purchase or use. So TIP covers a wide range of tests across psychology, education and achievement.
How do I use it? Tests are listed alphabetically, within subjects. However, if you know a test title, you can flip to an alphabetical index to find it. There are five indexes: test title, classified subject, publisher, name (of authors, reviewers) and a publishers' directory. These five indexes are handy for locating tests by means other than the title or for accessing whole groups of tests for making comparisons (e.g., all tests tapping vocational interests). After you have located a test that interests you, turn to the MMY for more detailed information on that test, or use the directory of publishers to contact the test publisher for more information.
  • Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) Publisher: The Buros Institute for Mental Measurements, Lincoln, NE. Most current edition: 17th ed. (2007).
What information is here? In the MMY, tests are listed alphabetically by title. Each entry provides descriptive information, such as the test name, intended population, publication dates, forms and prices, test author and publisher. It also contains additional information on the extent to which reliability, validity, norming data, scoring and reporting services, and foreign language versions are available. Most entries also include one or more reviews of the test and testing materials (e.g., manuals) by qualified psychologists.
What tests are included? The criteria for inclusion in the MMY are that the test be new or revised since the previous yearbook and that the publisher provide documentation supporting the technical qualities of the test.
How do I use it? The introduction contains step-by-step directions for using the text to locate testing information. If you know the test title, you can look it up directly through the alphabetical listings. The seven indexes arrange tests by title, print status (in or out), acronym, classified subject, publisher, name (author, reviewer) and score. These can be used to access tests about which you have limited information or to access groups of tests that fit into the same category (e.g., yield the same score or are all measuring stress).
  • Tests Publisher: Pro-Ed, Inc., Austin, TX. Most current edition: 6th ed. (2008).
What information is here? Tests, like TIP, is a bibliographic encyclopedia containing information on thousands of testing instruments in psychology, education, and business. It provides concise descriptions of tests, with each entry including the test title and author, the intended population, the tests purpose, the major features, the administration time, the scoring method, the cost and availability, and the primary publisher. Also, a scanning line uses coded visual keys to indicate whether the test is self- or examiner-administered.
Tests does not contain evaluative critiques or data on reliability, validity, or norms; this information can be found for selected instruments in Test Critiques.
What tests are included? Tests was created to provide quick and easy access to all tests available in the English language. Several thousand tests are included from the areas of psychology, education, and business.
How do I use it? The book is divided into three main sections: 'Psychology,' 'Education' and 'Business,' with each of these divided into subsections. Tests are arranged alphabetically within each subsection.
Tests has seven indexes, including the test title index, author index, foreign language availability index, and a publisher/distributor index. Three indexes identify tests suitable for special populations: the hearing impaired, visually impaired, and physically impaired. Finally, there is a listing of out-of-print tests, which shows tests that publishers indicate have recently gone out-of-print. Use these indexes to locate information on a particular test or to access whole groups of tests in your area of interest. A publishers directory, also located in Tests, gives names, addresses and phone numbers of publishers to contact for more information or purchasing inquiries.
  • Test Critiques Publisher: Pro-Ed, Inc., Austin, TX. Most current edition: updated annually.
What information is here? This text is designed to be a companion to Tests and contains supplemental information designated as 'not appropriate for inclusion in that directory. This includes psychometric information such as reliability, validity and norm development. The tri-part entry for each test includes an Introduction, Practical Applications/Uses and Technical Aspects, followed by a critique. The Introduction describes the test in detail, including information on the authors and publisher and the purpose of the test. Practical Applications/Uses gives information aimed toward the test user, including intended population, administration, scoring, and interpretation procedures. Technical Aspects includes citations from reliability and validity studies and opinions from experts regarding the technical adequacy of the test. The text is written for both professionals and students, with technical terms explained, and includes helpful information not usually found in other reference books. This makes it a user-friendly resource for students, teachers or persons unfamiliar with test terminology.
What tests are included? Tests are chosen for inclusion based on research on the most frequently used psychological, educational, and business-related tests. Selections are also made based on surveys of professional organizations regarding the tests they would most like to see critiqued. This text is updated annually.
How do I use it? Each volume contains a table of contents that lists all reviewed tests alphabetically, along with the name of the reviewer. Each volume also contains cumulative indexes organized by test title, test publisher, test author and reviewer, and subject. This makes it easy to locate information on a test reviewed in any of the volumes, all in one location. Once you have located and read the review for any test, contact the publisher for more information regarding the purchase of the test. Also, because Test Critiques is a companion to Tests, you can look to the Tests directory for more information regarding any test described in Test Critiques.

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