

Monday, March 24, 2014

DSM-5 Update For Counselors & Students

 From the blog In thought of Aaron Norton

I also like that the classification system is less dichotomous.  Several disorders have been merged together and conceptualized as varying points on a spectrum.  The truth is that two people with the same diagnosis can experience dramatically different levels of severity and functioning.  
Finally, the DSM-5 is overall a somewhat more simplified and streamlined product than the DSM-IVTR.  Its shorter in length with several examples of less convoluted wording.  Some old diagnostic labels that have become pejorative labels have been renamed (e.g. "Mental Retardation" became "Intellectual Disability"). 
All in all, I think the DSM-5 is an improved product in comparison to the DSM-IVTR. Its imperfect and flawed, like any organizational system, but it's probably the best that we have for now.  We'll see what changes with future revisions. 

Aaron Norton, LMHC, a psychotherapist and Adjunct Instructor at the University of South Florida's Dept. of Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling, and Henry Tenenbaum, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, walk students and alumni of three graduate degree programs through changes in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

DSM-5 Update For Counselors & Students, Part 1 
Sourrce link -

DSM-5 Update For Counselors & Students, Part 2

DSM-5 Update for Counselors & Students, Part 3

The Embedded PDF below source link is -

Another nice presentation here -   (it is a big file at 26 MB)

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