

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

PRC Board of Psychology Announces October 2014 Board Exams

December 18, 2013

Dear Prospective Psychologists and Psychometricians,

 May you have a God-filled Christmas season and a safe and prosperous 2014.

We, the PRC Board of Psychology, would like to announce that the Board Exams will be held in October, 2014. (Please see the PRC website for the details.)

Much as we had wanted to give the tests in 2013 or early 2014, we could not do so because the faculty who attended the consultation meeting after the PAP Convention (and those who communicated with us later), expressed a desire to give more time to prepare examinees, in view of the new DSM V and the Table of Specifications (TOS) then being crafted. Hence, we opted to abide by the October, 2014 schedule, as already announced in the PRC Calendar for 2014.

With this schedule, we hope that there is enough time for everyone to appreciate the DSM V and to tackle learning areas in the Board Exam subjects not covered in the old curriculum.

After a series of consultations with the representatives of different educational institutions, and several thorough reviews with the CHED Technical Committee for Psych Education/Programs, the Board has now made a Board Resolution for the TOS which is to be published in the website, once approved by the PRC Consultant. We hope that by early January, this would be out.

All the best!


Miriam P. Cue, Ph.D.
Imelda V. G. Villar, Ph.D.
Board of Psychology


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