

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Free Online Psychology Journals from Wiley

Generous Wiley-Blackwell Free Online Journals in Psychology. Click the titles to read the articles. You can even download the titles as a PDF file, fantastic and it is for free! Finally free Online Psychology Journals!

Facing the Pain: Key reading for the IPA Congress
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Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Facing the Pain: Clinical Experience
and the Development of
Psychoanalytic Knowledge

The theme of the International Psychoanalytic Association Congress 2013 explores the deep emotional contact between patient and analyst, with a focus on the pain that patients live with.
Explore a special collection of content from Psychoanalysis and other journals on the Congress theme:
Facing the Pain - Prague 2013 | Clinical experience and the development of Psychoanalytic knowledge
31st July – 3rd August
Hilton Prague,
Czech Republic
Key reading in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy:
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
When Disaster Strikes in Time of War: Traditional Healing and Psychosocial Training Help Divided Communities Mourn Together
Towards a Unified Theory of Trauma and its Consequences
British Journal of Psychotherapy
Cancer in Other Words? The Role of Metaphor in Emotion Disclosure in Cancer Patients
‘Maybe You Don't Actually Exist’: Containing Shame and Self-Harm in a School Counselling Service
Psychotherapy and Politics International
Dealing with damage: the desire for psychic violence to soothe psychic pain
Sustaining an erection: brotherhood, manhood, and psychotherapy
The International Journal of Psychoanalysis
Pre-published IPA Congress paper:
Transformations of Emotional Experience
Lia Pistiner de CortiƱas

Also from IJP
Seeing bodies in pain: From Hippocrates to Freud
Reflections on coma: Man deprived of his consciousness
Journal of Analytical Psychology
Healing the wounds of our fathers: intergenerational trauma, memory, symbolization and narrative
Psychic skin: psychotic defences, borderline process and delusions
The Psychoanalytic Quarterly
On the Therapist’s Yearning for Intimacy
Chemistry and Containing: The Analyst’s Use of Unavoidable Failures
Discover New Books
Gestalt Therapy Around the World
Gestalt Therapy
Around the World
Edited by
Eleanor O’Leary
Read sample content
Recommend to your librarian
Between Skins: The Body in Psychoanalysis - Contemporary Developments
Between Skins: The Body in
Psychoanalysis - Contemporary
Nicola Diamond
Read sample content
Recommend to your librarian
Therapist and Client: A Relational Approach to Psychotherapy
Therapist and Client
A Relational Approach
to Psychotherapy
Patrick Nolan
Read sample content
Recommend to your librarian
All of these titles, and more, will be available at the Congress at a 20% discount.
Also of interest: Further reading in Clinical Psychology, Counseling, and Psychiatry
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
The Relationship Between Loss of Parents in the Holocaust, Intrusive Memories, and Distress Among Child SurvivorsExploring In-Session Focus on the Patient–Therapist Relationship: Patient Characteristics, Process and Outcome
So Close and Yet So Far Away: Social Class, Social Exclusion, and Mental Health Practice‘Neutralizing the Patient’: Therapists' Accounts of Sexual Boundary Violations
Counseling and Values
Counselor Education and Supervision
Conditions that Create Therapeutic Connection: A Phenomenological StudyThe Effects of a Stress Management Course on Counselors-in-Training
Journal of College Counseling
The Journal of Humanistic Counseling
An Acceptance and Mindfulness-Based Approach to Social Phobia: A Case StudyToward a Culture of Counselor Wellness
Journal of Counseling & Development
Explore other journals from the
Preventing Vicarious Trauma: What Counselors
Should Know When Working With Trauma Survivors
American Counseling Association
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
American Counseling Association
Preventing Vicarious Trauma: What Counselors
Should Know When Working With Trauma Survivors
Traumatized refugees, their therapists, and their interpreters: Three perspectives on psychological treatment
British Journal of Psychology
British Psychological Society
Addressing psychological aspects of physical problems through sandplay: A grounded theory study of therapists’ views
Copyright © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. or related companies. All rights reserved.Wiley Logo

General Psychology

Impact Factor Rankings

Impact Factor Rankings

Congratulations to our editors, authors, and partner societies!
Click on the journal titles to read free online sample issues of Wiley's ISI-ranked psychology journals.

Aggressive Behavior
Impact Factor: 2.247
Ranking: 22/126 Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 31/49 Behavioral Sciences
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy
Impact Factor: 1.641
Ranking: 22/60 Psychology, Social; 7/39 Social Issues
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.469
Ranking: 54/83 Psychology, Experimental
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
Impact Factor: 1.750
Ranking: 19/72 Psychology, Applied

Applied Psychology: An International Review
Impact Factor: 1.533
Ranking: 26/72 Psychology, Applied

Asian Journal of Social Psychology
Impact Factor: 0.544
Ranking: 52/60 Psychology, Social
Australian Journal of Psychology
Impact Factor: 0.941
Ranking: 63/126 Psychology Multidisciplinary
Australian Psychologist
Impact Factor: 0.930
Ranking: 64/126 Psychology Multidisciplinary

Autism Research
Impact Factor: 3.988
Ranking: 5/65 Psychology, Developmental; 6/49 Behavioral Sciences

Behavioral Interventions
Impact Factor: 0.478
Ranking: 101/114 Psychology, Clinical
Behavioral Sciences & The Law
Impact Factor: 1.337
Ranking: 33/72 Psychology, Applied; 34/134 Law
British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Impact Factor: 2.333
Ranking: 30/114 Psychology, Clinical
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.330
Ranking: 45/65 Psychology, Developmental
British Journal of Educational Psychology
Impact Factor: 2.093
Ranking: 11/51 Psychology, Educational
British Journal of Health Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.991
Ranking: 38/114 Psychology, Clinical
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.258
Ranking: 5/13 Psychology, Mathematical; 60/83 Psychology, Experimental; 34/92 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications; 38/117 Statistics & Probability
British Journal of Psychology
Impact Factor: 2.103
Ranking: 26/126 Psychology, Multidisciplinary
British Journal of Social Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.816
Ranking: 18/60 Psychology, Social
The Career Development Quarterly
Impact Factor: 1.260
Ranking: 37/72 Psychology, Applied
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Impact Factor: 0.635
Ranking: 92/114 Psychology, Clinical; 103/121 Pediatrics; 112/135 Psychiatry; 103/120 Psychiatry (Social Science)
Child & Family Social Work
Impact Factor: 0.831
Ranking: 20/38 Social Work; 26/38 Family Studies
Child Abuse Review
Impact Factor: 0.698
Ranking: 23/38 Social Work; 27/38 Family Studies
Child Development
Impact Factor: 4.915
Ranking: 1/51 Psychology, Educational; 4/65 Psychology, Developmental

Child Development Perspectives
Impact Factor: 2.120
Ranking: 24/65 Psychology, Developmental

Child: Care, Health and Development
Impact Factor: 1.700
Ranking: 35/65 Psychology, Developmental; 48/121 Pediatrics

Children & Society
Impact Factor: 0.886
Ranking: 18/38 Social Work

Clinical Psychologist
Impact Factor: 0.536
Ranking: 67/75 Psychology; 98/114 Psychology, Clinical
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Impact Factor: 2.000
Ranking: 36/114 Psychology, Clinical

Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice
Impact Factor: 4.400
Ranking: 9/114 Psychology, Clinical

Cognitive Science
Impact Factor: 2.385
Ranking: 21/83 Psychology, Experimental

Depression and Anxiety
Impact Factor: 4.610
Ranking: 9/75 Psychology; 8/114 Psychology, Clinical; 21/135 Psychiatry; 13/120 Psychiatry (Social Science)
Developmental Psychobiology
Impact Factor: 2.595
Ranking: 26/75 Psychology; 25/41 Developmental Biology

Developmental Science
Impact Factor: 3.628
Ranking: 9/65 Psychology, Developmental; 7/83 Psychology, Experimental

Impact Factor: 1.227
Ranking: 20/51 Psychology, Educational; 14/36 Education, Special; 27/66 Rehabilitation (Social Science)

Impact Factor: 0.900
Ranking: 65/126 Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 31/83 Anthropology

European Eating Disorders Review
Impact Factor: 1.943
Ranking: 42/114 Psychology, Clinical

European Journal of Personality
Impact Factor: 2.521
Ranking: 8/60 Psychology, Social
European Journal of Social Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.667
Ranking: 21/60 Psychology, Social

Family Process
Impact Factor: 1.609
Ranking: 60/114 Psychology, Clinical; 13/38 Family Studies

Family Relations
Impact Factor: 0.978
Ranking: 16/38 Social Work; 22/38 Family Studies
Health & Social Care in the Community
Impact Factor: 1.185
Ranking: 8/38 Social Work; 77/136 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (Social Science)

Human Psychopharmacology
Impact Factor: 2.097
Ranking: 33/75 Psychology; 93/191 Clinical Neurology; 141/260 Pharmacology & Pharmacy; 68/135 Psychiatry
Human Resource Development Quarterly
Impact Factor: 0.653
Ranking: 58/72 Psychology, Applied; 12/24 Industrial Relations & Labor; 130/172 Management

Human Resource Management
Impact Factor: 1.458
Ranking: 28/72 Psychology, Applied; 71/172 Management
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Impact Factor: 0.514
Ranking: 62/72 Psychology, Applied

Impact Factor: 1.969
Ranking: 27/65 Psychology, Developmental

Infant and Child Development
Impact Factor: 0.867
Ranking: 57/65 Psychology, Developmental
Infant Mental Health Journal
Impact Factor: 0.988
Ranking: 51/65 Psychology, Developmental
International Journal of Eating Disorders
Impact Factor: 2.877
Ranking: 22/75 Psychology; 20/114 Psychology, Clinical

International Journal of Psychoanalysis
Impact Factor: 0.612
Ranking: 4/14 Psychology, Psychoanalysis

International Journal of Selection and Assessment
Impact Factor: 1.318
Ranking: 35/72 Psychology, Applied; 84/172 Management
International Journal of Social Welfare
Impact Factor: 0.810
Ranking: 21/38 Social Work

Japanese Psychological Research
Impact Factor: 0.379
Ranking: 104/126 Psychology, Multidisciplinary
Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior
Impact Factor: 0.750
Ranking: 48/60 Psychology, Social
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Impact Factor: 0.762
Ranking: 87/114 Psychology, Clinical

Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Impact Factor: 1.098
Ranking: 27/51 Psychology, Educational; 33/66 Rehabilitation (Social Science)

Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Impact Factor: 0.834
Ranking: 44/60 Psychology, Social

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
Impact Factor: 2.161
Ranking: 14/72 Psychology, Applied

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Impact Factor: 5.422
Ranking: 7/75 Psychology; 2/65 Psychology, Developmental; 15/135 Psychiatry; 11/120 Psychiatry (Social Science)

Journal of Clinical Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.668
Ranking: 59/114 Psychology, Clinical

Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
Impact Factor: 0.763
Ranking: 47/60 Psychology, Social

Journal of Community Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.082
Ranking: 55/126 Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 12/38 Social Work; 85/136 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (Social Science)
Journal of Counseling & Development
Impact Factor: 0.669
Ranking: 56/72 Psychology, Applied
Journal of Creative Behavior
Impact Factor: 0.594
Ranking: 43/51 Psychology, Educational

Journal of Educational Measurement
Impact Factor: 0.660
Ranking: 12/13 Psychology, Mathematical; 40/51 Psychology, Educational; 57/72 Psychology, Applied
Journal of Employment Counseling
Impact Factor: 0.279
Ranking: 69/72 Psychology, Applied

Journal of Family Therapy
Impact Factor: 0.698
Ranking: 90/114 Psychology, Clinical; 27/38 Family Studies
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling
Impact Factor: 0.848
Ranking: 52/72 Psychology, Applied; 30/52 Criminology & Penology

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Impact Factor: 1.233
Ranking: 71/114 Psychology, Clinical; 19/38 Family Studies
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development
Impact Factor: 0.343
Ranking: 67/72 Psychology, Applied
Journal of Neuropsychology
Impact Factor: 2.438
Ranking: 19/83 Psychology, Experimental; 28/75 Psychology
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Impact Factor: 2.419
Ranking: 12/72 Psychology, Applied; 35/172 Management

Journal of Organizational Behavior
Impact Factor: 3.626
Ranking: 5/72 Psychology, Applied; 9/116 Business; 16/172 Management

Journal of Personality
Impact Factor: 2.730
Ranking: 6/60 Psychology, Social
Journal of Research in Reading
Impact Factor: 0.940
Ranking: 32/51 Psychology, Educational; 66/216 Education & Educational Research

Journal of Research on Adolescence
Impact Factor: 2.702
Ranking: 17/65 Psychology, Developmental; 3/38 Family Studies

Journal of Social Issues
Impact Factor: 1.857
Ranking: 4/39 Social Issues
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Impact Factor: 1.070
Ranking: 11/14 Psychology, Biological; 65/83 Psychology, Experimental; 47/49 Behavioral Sciences

Journal of Traumatic Stress
Impact Factor: 2.550
Ranking: 23/114 Psychology, Clinical; 37/120 Psychiatry (Social Science)
Legal and Criminological Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.708
Ranking: 38/126 Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 11/52 Criminology & Penology; 23/134 Law

Mind & Language
Impact Factor: 1.904
Ranking: 38/83 Psychology, Experimental; 8/160 Linguistics
Mind, Brain, and Education
Impact Factor: 0.980
Ranking: 54/65 Psychology Developmental; 63/216 Education & Educational Research

Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
Impact Factor: 2.037
Ranking: 26/65 Psychology, Developmental
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development
Impact Factor: 0.962
Ranking: 55/65 Psychology, Developmental
Personal Relationships
Impact Factor: 0.951
Ranking: 41/60 Psychology, Social; 28/72 Communication
Personality and Mental Health
Impact Factor: 1.100
Ranking: 38/60 Psychology, Social; 83/120 Psychiatry (Social Science)

Personnel Psychology
Impact Factor: 3.702
Ranking: 4/72 Psychology, Applied; 14/172 Management

Political Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.418
Ranking: 30/60 Psychology, Social; 30/157 Political Science
The Psychoanalytic Quarterly
Impact Factor: 0.286
Ranking: 10/14 Psychology, Psychoanalysis
Psychology and Marketing
Impact Factor: 1.309
Ranking: 36/72 Psychology, Applied; 58/116 Business
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
Impact Factor: 1.690
Ranking: 44/75 Psychology; 56/114 Psychology Clinical; 79/135 Psychiatry; 58/120 Psychiatry (Social Science)
Psychology in the Schools
Impact Factor: 0.922
Ranking: 34/51 Psychology, Educational

Impact Factor: 3.506
Ranking: 14/75 Psychology; 12/126 Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 67/196 Oncology; 3/36 Social Sciences, Biomedical

Impact Factor: 3.261
Ranking: 4/14 Psychology, Biological; 13/83 Psychology, Experimental; 17/75 Psychology; 103/251 Neurosciences; 24/79 Physiology
Reading Research Quarterly
Impact Factor: 2.382
Ranking: 9/51 Psychology, Educational; 10/216 Education &Educational Research

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Impact Factor: 1.292
Ranking: 47/126 Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Social Development
Impact Factor: 2.045
Ranking: 25/65 Psychology, Developmental
Social Policy & Administration
Impact Factor: 0.976
Ranking: 17/38 Social Work; 28/55 Planning & Development; 19/47 Public Administration; 16/39 Social Issues

Stress and Health
Impact Factor: 1.036
Ranking: 58/75 Psychology; 101/135 Psychiatry; 88/120 Psychiatry (Social Science)
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior
Impact Factor: 1.758
Ranking: 35/126 Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 54/120 Psychiatry (Social Science)
Topics in Cognitive Science
Impact Factor: 1.753
Ranking: 43/83 Psychology, Experimental
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews - Cognitive Science
Impact Factor: 1.489
Ranking: 53/83 Psychology, Experimental

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