

Friday, August 2, 2013

2013 PAP Awards for Outstanding Graduate Theses and Dissertations in Psychology

The Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2013 Awards for Outstanding Graduate Theses and Dissertations toward an MA/MS/PhD in Psychology earned in the School Year 2012-2013. The research will be evaluated by a panel of judges in terms of its theoretical and/or practical contributions to the field of psychology, methodological rigor, and quality of writing. The Awards will be conferred during the PAP Annual Convention in October 2013.

Guidelines for Nomination:

1. The thesis or dissertation must be towards the completion of a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Psychology; thesis or dissertations submitted towards the completion of degrees other than in Psychology (e.g., Education, Behavioral Science) do not qualify for this award.

2. The graduate degree in psychology for which the thesis or dissertation was written must have been awarded by a Philippine higher education institution. 

3. The thesis or dissertation must have been approved through a final defense in the academic year 2012-2013.

4. Each school is allowed to nominate a maximum of five (5) graduate thesis and five (5) dissertations for the Award.

Nomination Process:

Each nominated thesis/dissertation should include the following:

1. A letter of nomination signed by the Chair of the department/program head OR by the thesis/dissertation adviser that describes the outstanding qualities of the work.

2. Three (3) copies of a two (2) to three (3) page summary of the objectives, significance, methodology, results, and conclusions of the thesis/dissertation on plain paper. Indicate only the title of the research. Do not include author(s)’ name(s) and institutional affiliation. 

3. A hard copy of the thesis/dissertation (to be returned to the Nominator).

Please send the letter of nomination and all requirements to:

Dr. Grace H. Aguiling-Dalisay
PAP Awards Committee 
Rm 208, Philippine Social Science Center (PSSC)
Commonwealth Ave., Diliman, QC

For any inquiries about this Award, please contact the PAP Awards Secretariat at .

Deadline for submission is Thursday, 12 September 2013. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Psychological Association of the Philippines

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