

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Psychometrician Licensure Exam Reset for December 2013

For new update please check this blog post with this link

Below is a report of one of our contributors who attended  "The Filipino Psychologist's Use of Western Psychological Tests: Issues and Challenges" (Forum), held at the PSSC  Auditorium on 13 July 2013. I am not sure if  board takers will be happy with the new schedule that coincides with the busiest month of the year! Good luck to all! I guess this sched will be moved again - let's see!

BTW the presentation materials will be emailed by PAP to our contributor and promise to share it with us here. 

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First Ever Psychometrician Licensure Exam 
is Reset for December 2013 

Psych Update -  In her opening remarks, Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) President Dr. Ma. Regina Hechanova announced  that the  Psychometrician Licensure Exam  many believed to be held this coming October is now rescheduled for  December 2013. Her announcement was made in a forum on "The Filipino Psychologist's Use of Western Psychologicat Tests: Issues and Challenges" (Forum), held at the PSSC  Auditorium on 13 July 2012. (Although the schedule as of writing is not yet posted at the PRC website.)

The forum organized by the Assessment  Psychology Division of PAP was attended by more than 200 or more participants coming from different line of works ( schools, government, OFW clinics, hospitals, companies, etc) providing psychological assessment listened to various speakers who shared their experiences and studies  in providing western psychological tests including the adaptation and translation they implememented.

(Voice recorded of the opening remarks and parts of morning session. To listen to the presentation you have to click link and download the file in WMA format and listen using a windows media player or your installed music player.)

The speakers below shared on the use of foreign-developed tests in the clinical, government, industrial, school, and OFW clinic settings:

Maria Araceli Alcala, MA (Clinical)
Ann Maribel Hapin, MP (Government)
Elizabeth Suba, PhD (School)
Ma. Dolores Tay, MD (OFW Clinics)

The guests below discussed on the advantages, issues and limitations, ethical challenges and training of practitioners in test use. Dr. Villasor stressed that there's a need to include in the curriculum Filipino psychology and Psychological ethics. She also made emphasis on the importance of developing a psychological eye aside from using psychological tests or instruments.

Ma. Aurora Bulatao, MA
Natividad Dayan, PhD
Ma. Teresa Villasor, PhD

Allan Bernardo, PhD - Presented on the Researcher's Perspective: Challenges of translating Western tests and areas of collaboration between practitioners and researchers.

Roger Davis, PhD - The clinician's perspective: Clinical assessment using foreign norms (MCMI-III) versus development of a test to assess DSM5 pathological personality constructs normed on Filipinos.

Gregorio del Pilar, PhD - The test adaptation perspective: Process, requirements, issues and challenges of adopting a personality test (NEO-PI).

Synthesis from the morning session

Western Psychological Test Advantages
1) Standardized - reliability, validity
2) Ease of administration
3) Wide use
4) Availability
5) Well researched/Norm
6) relevant, comprehensive

Western Psychological Test Limitations/issues
1) Norms - US/Western derived
2) Culture bias - use of language, education, socio-economic status, exposure rural-urban, etc
3) Expensive
4) Training of psychometrician in the administering/scoring/interpretation of tests

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