

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Additional Lists of Open Access Psychology Journals

A free preprint service for the psychological sciences
Maintained by The Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science

Thesis Commons- An open archive of Theses

Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources

Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioral Science

Evolution, Mind and Behaviour

Psychology and Society

Community Psychology in Global Perspective

Psychology, Community & Health

Collabra: Psychology, the official journal of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science, is a mission-driven Open Access (OA) journal from the University of California Press that shares not only the research it publishes, but also the value created by the psychology community during the peer-review process. Collabra: Psychology has 7 sections representing the broad field of psychology, and a highlighted focus area of “Methodology and Research Practice.”

To publish original works in the areas of Developmental Psychology, Psychological Assesment, Health Psychology and Psychological Processes/Experimental Psychology in English.


The journal will undertake problems of human creativity – its recognition, correlates, determinants, possibilities for its support and development – analyzed from the point of view of education, psychology, sociology, aesthetics, etc. Moreover, the journal will discuss issues of creative potential as well as actual creative achievements (everyday and eminent creativity). It will also consider methodological and statistical issues regarding quantitative and qualitative creativity studies in various countries. The journal is a platform for positive confrontation of the various ways of perceiving and investigating creativity; interparadigmatic and interdiscursive dialogue of the representatives of distinct theoretical and methodological options. The journal is published in an electronic form, in English, half-annually. We publish original theoretical papers, studies, overviews, and comments about current issues in human creativity from the perspective of various scholarly disciplines.

EvoS Journal: The Journal of the Evolutionary Studies Consortium is a journal designed to promote the education of evolutionary theory in colleges and universities. An evolutionary education provides a framework for enhancing the research and theory in all disciplines, and as such, EvoS Journal welcomes work from all academic disciplines as well as interdisciplinary scholarship that incorporates evolutionary theory across areas of study. As an outlet for academic articles, EvoS Journal has two particular aims. The first is to publish peer-reviewed articles related to evolutionary theory in higher education. The second is to publish undergraduate peer-reviewed articles that have arisen from courses offered through Evolutionary Studies Programs. 

Educational Psychology Research and Practice is an open access periodical published twice a year by the School of Psychology, University of East London. It offers a forum for informed debate and discussion of Educational Psychology research and training as well as a wider focus on issues of social justice and civic engagement in applied psychological practice. EPRaP is open to publishing research findings, literature reviews, commentaries, methodology papers, reflection on practice and book/resource reviews. It is part of a research and learning culture that recognises the importance of knowledge exchange and impact for partners in the community.


Sunday, January 14, 2018

CMO 104 series of 2017 Revised Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) released a new memo CMO 104 series of 2017
entitled Revised Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs last 28 December 2017. The new CMO 104  repealed and revoked CMO 23 series of 2009 Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs with Practicum Subject. 

Revised Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs - Ched Memoran... by TinoRepaso on Scribd