

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

2013 Alfredo V. Lagmay Award for Research Publication

The Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2013 Alfredo V. Lagmay Award for Research Publication.

The Lagmay Research Publication Award is an award for an outstanding research-based publication (e.g. peer-reviewed book, book chapter or journal article) within the past five (5) years, in any field of Psychology. The Award will be conferred during the PAP Annual Convention in October 2013.

For a publication to be awarded, it must meet the following criteria:

1. The research work must be original and innovative.

2. The work should contribute to the advancement of psychological theory, method(s), and/or application, particularly in the Philippine setting.

3. The publication should have at least one (1) Filipino author who is a PAP member based in a Philippine institution.

4. The work must have been published within the period 2008 – 2012.

Nomination Process:

1. The research publication may be nominated for the award by a PAP member who is a colleague, mentor, or supervisor of the author(s)

2. The nominated publication will be screened on the basis of the following:

a.) A letter of nomination indicating the title of the nominated publication and its main contribution to the advancement of Psychology in the Philippines

b.) Three (3) copies ( original or photocopy) of the published journal article, book, or book chapter ( to be returned to the nominator )

c.) A duly accomplished and signed nomination form.

Please send the letter of nomination and all required documents to:

Dr. Grace H. Aguiling-Dalisay
PAP Awards Committee 
Rm 208, Philippine Social Science Center (PSSC)
Commonwealth Ave., Diliman, QC

For any inquiries about this Award, please contact the PAP Awards Secretariat at .

Deadline for submission is Friday, 30 August 2013. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Psychological Association of the Philippines

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

PAP 2013 Fr. Bulatao Award for Teaching

The Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the 2013 Fr. Jaime C. Bulatao Award for Teaching. 

The Fr. Bulatao Award for Teaching is given for outstanding teaching in any field of psychology. It is given to an individual who embodies the ideals of Fr. Bulatao as a teacher. The recipient of this award is one who, like Fr. Bulatao, instills in students a genuine love for learning by inspiring them to explore, experience, and experiment.

The award will be conferred during the PAP Annual Convention to be held at Miriam College in October 2013.
Nomination Criteria:
The nominee must be:
1. A full-time or part-time faculty member who is currently in active service and has been teaching psychology subjects in the last three (3) Academic School Years (2010-20113),
2. A PAP member in good standing,
3. A graduate of at least an MA in Psychology.
Nomination Process:

1. The Chairperson/ Head of the nominee’s home Department shall submit the following to the PAP Awards Committee:

a. A nomination letter indicating the nominee’s current designation and length of faculty service in the home Department,
b. A duly signed Nomination Form with a current passport photo of the nominee,
c. An up-to-date CV (with a current passport photo of the nominee) signed by the nominee.
d. A letter from the nominee accepting the nomination and signifying her/his willingness to attend the panel interview if chosen as a finalist for the Award.
e. Documents in support of the nominee’s learning-inspiring teaching methods ( e.g. student evaluations, teaching innovation, introduction of student-centered teaching methods ).

2. The final decision on the Awardee will be made after the interview. The finalists will be invited to the panel interview through the Department Chairperson/Head.

3. Deadline for submission is Thursday, 12 September 2013. Incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

Please submit all documents to:

Dr. Grace H. Aguiling-Dalisay
PAP Awards Committee
Rm 210, Philippine Social Science Center (PSSC)
Commonwealth Ave., Diliman, QC

For inquiries about this Award, please contact the PAP Awards Secretariat at

Psychological Association of the Philippines

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Psychology Dictionary Online from

Another useful resource online is the dictionary below that came from

Terms included in the psychology dictionary cover every subject and sub-field of psychology, from research methods to child development. New terms are added regularly. Use the index below to navigate the psychology dictionary.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
  1. A Index (39)
  2. B Index (14)
  3. C Index (33)
  4. D Index (17)
  5. E Index (14)
  6. F Index (12)
  7. G Index (11)
  8. H Index (14)
  9. I Index (13)
  10. J Index (3)
  11. K Index (3)
  12. L Index (12)
  13. M Index (11)
  1. N Index (8)
  2. O Index (8)
  3. P Index (24)
  4. Q Index (1)
  5. R Index (14)
  6. S Index (29)
  7. T Index (11)
  8. U Index (6)
  9. V Index (5)
  10. W Index (5)
  11. X Index (1)
  12. Y Index (3)
  13. Z Index (4)

Psychology Glossary: A Index

ABA Design Definition
An ABA design is a type of experimental design that involves starting with a baseline condition before testing an experimental variable.
Abnormal Psychology Definition
A segment of psychology that deals with psychopathology and abnormal behavior...
Stages in a Child's Lifewww.parentfurther.comParentFurther Has Parenting Tips for Children of Every Age. Get Tips
Dr. Virginia Lindahlwww.wellspringpsych.netAlexandria child psychologist treating a wide variety of issues
What Does My Dream Meanwww.DreamsCloud.comFree dream analysis / reflection. Online Dream Journal. Try it free.
Absolute Threshold Definition
The smallest detectable level of a stimulus...
Accommodation Definition
Initially proposed by Piaget, the term refers to part of the adaptation process...
Acetylcholine Definition
Acetylcholine is found in the central and peripheral nervous systems and is the most common neurotransmitter. Learn more about the discovery and functions of acetylcholine.
Acquisition Definition
The first stages of learning during which a response is established...
Action Potential Definition
An action potential is an important part of the neural firing process. Learn more about what an action potential is and how it contributes to transmitting neural messages...
Activation Synthesis Model Definition
The activation-synthesis model is a theory of dreaming developed by researchers J. Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley...
Actor Observer Bias Definition
In social psychology, we tend to attribute our own actions to external factors and other people's actions to internal ones. Why do we do this? Learn more about the psychology behind the actor-observer bias.
Acute Stess Response Definition
The acute stress response is commonly referred to as the flight-or-flight response. It describes how the body reacts when confronted with a stressful situation.
Adaptation Definition
A term referring to the ability to adjust to new information and experiences...
Addiction Definition
Addiction is marked by drug-seeking behaviors in addition to the abuse of psychoactive substances...
ADHD Definition
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral and developmental disorder that usually becomes apparent during the preschool and early school years...
Adrenal Glands Definition
Adrenal glands are a type of endocrine gland that are triangle-shaped and located on top of the kidneys...
Adult ADHD Definition
The symptoms of adult ADHD are the same as those experienced by children with ADHD, but it is usually more difficult to recognize the symptoms of impulsivity, distractibility and restlessness in adults...
Ageism Definition
Ageism is a form of prejudice characterized by discrimination against people based on their age. Much like other forms of prejudice, agism involves holding negative beliefs about people of certain ages...
Aggression Definition
In psychology, aggression involves numerous types of actions that can hurt or harm oneself or other people...
Agoraphobia Definition
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder marked by fear and avoidance of public places. Find out more about symptoms and treatments for this agoraphobia.
Algorithm Definition
Algorithms are often used in mathematics and problem solving. Learn more about what an algorithm is and how it compares to other problem-solving strategies.
All-or-None Law Definition
The all-or-none law is a principle that applies to the firing of neurons. Learn more about what the all-or-none law is and how it relates to neural firing.
Altruism Definition
Altruism is the opposite of selfishness, and involves doing for others without any expectation of reward...
Amygdala Definition
The amygdala is a small structure found in the limbic system and association with emotions, aggression and memory...
Anal Stage Definition
The anal stage is the second stage of Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, lasting from age 18 months to three years...
Anorexia Nervosa Definition
An eating disorder characterized by a distorted body image and self-starvation despite extremely low body-weight...
Antisocial Personality Disorder Definition
A personality characterized by symptoms such as fire-setting, cruelty to animals, lack of remorse and a lack of empathy...
Applied Research Definition
Applied research refers to scientific study and research that seeks to solve practical problems...
Archetypes Defintion
Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung believed that archetypes are models of people, behaviors or personalities. Jung suggested that the psyche was composed of three components: the ego, the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious..
Assimilation Definition
Assimilation refers part of Jean Piaget's adaptation process in which people take in new information...
Attachment Definition
Attachment involves an enduring emotional bond between people...
Attention Definition
Attention is a concept studied in cognitive psychology which refers to how we actively process specific information present in our environment...
Authoritarian Parenting Definition
Authoritative parenting is a parenting style characterized by strict rules, harsh punishments and little warmth. Learn more about the authoritarian parenting style and the effect it has on children...
Authoritative Parenting Definition
Authoritative parenting is characterized by parents who hold high expectations and set clear guidelines, but are responsive and nurturing to their children...
Autocratic Leadership Definition
Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members...
Autonomic Nervous System Definition
The autonomic system is the part of the peripheral nervous system that is regulates involuntary body functions including digestion and heartbeat.
Availability Heuristic
An availability heuristic is a type of mental shortcut that involves basing judgements on information and examples that immediately spring to mind.
Aversion Therapy Definition
Aversion therapy is a form of treatment that utilizes behavioral principles to eliminate unwanted behavior. Learn more about the uses, effectiveness and criticisms of aversion therapy.
Avoidant Personality Disorder Definition
Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by a chronic and pervasive pattern of distorted thought, emotion, behavior, and functioning...
Axon Definition
The axon is an essential part of the neuron and is vital for the transmission of nerve impulses. Learn more about what an axon is and how it works...
Arousal Theory Definition
The arousal theory of motivation suggests that our behavior is motivated by a need to maintain an optimal level of arousal. Learn more about how the arousal theory of motivation works.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Message from the PAP President Maria Regina M. Hechanova

Below is a posting from FB, a message of PAP President Ms. Maria Regina M. Hechanova. Ms. Hechanova also blogs at - on I/O Psychology and other personal stuff.

(Image source -

Message from the PAP President

July 26, 2013 at 12:02am
July 25, 2013

Dear PAP Members,

For almost three decades the PAP worked on a Psychology Law to protect the public and to allow psychologists to practice their profession amidst other licensed mental health professionals. The Philippine Psychology Act was signed into law in 2009 and our gratitude go to all those who were part of the efforts at getting the law passed. Last Friday July 19, 2013 was the induction of the first batch of psychologists and psychometricians who were granted licensure without examination. Our congratulations go to all 400 oath-takers! We would like to thank our Professional Regulatory Board (PRB) Dr. Miriam Cue and Dr. Emy Villar for making this event special. We wish to remind the rest of the PAP community that application for licensure without examination is only until May 21, 2015. According to the PRB, the examination for licensure will be done before the year ends.

PAP will be applying to be the Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO) to assist the PRB in implementing the Psychology Law. Yet as we are finding out, our law has its challenges and we are trying to navigate through these as best as we can. The Professional Regulatory Commission requires that all new officers of the AIPO are licensed. Thus our biggest challenge is balancing QUALITY, INCLUSION, and GROWTH - not just for those covered in the law but for the entire Psychology community in the country. The Board is currently exploring various options to ensure representation of the many specializations in Psychology and to prevent the marginalization of those whose practice is not covered by the law. We will also be asking the division officers not covered in the law to consult its members whether its practice areas should be regulated. Once we have done this, we will be reviewing the PAP constitution, certification and membership policies and processes to align these with the directions we set.

On October 23-26, 2013 we are holding our first joint international conference with the Asean Regional union of Psychological Societies (ARUPS). We would like to thank Dr. Allan Bernardo and Dr. Chee Leong Goh, Dr. Caring Tarroja, Dr. Mira Ofreneo, Mr. Jay Yacat, Dr. Ronnie Motilla, Dr. Sean Mansukhani who are part of the organization committee and committee chairs Dr Boboy Alianan, Dr. Ola Regala, Dr Paz Manaligod, Dr. Marge Alvarez, Dr. Grace Dalisay, Dr. Claudette Agnes, and Dr. Delia Belleza who are working very hard to make the upcoming conference a success. We are excited because we will have lined up both local and international speakers, presenters and workshop facilitators. On the first day of the conference, we will also be having free learning sessions on various topics. We will be opening up conference registration by August 1 so we hope you will join in yet another milestone!

Even as we are preparing for the PAP ARUPS conference, we are also beginning to prepare for PAPJA to be held on Jan 17 and 18, 2014 under the leadership of Mr. Hector Perez. Please inform your students to save the date!

Finally in terms of outreach and advocacy, the Psychology for Philippine Education program is underway with the pilot schools beginning their work with public schools. We will also be continuing to partner with Interaksyon for an advice column to make psychology more accessible to the public.

We thank you for your support and ask for your continuing involvement as we continue to build our discipline, organization and nation. We hope to see you all in October!


Maria Regina M. Hechanova
PAP President

(source -

Friday, July 26, 2013

Video Lecture - Theories of Pesonality - Nelson Mandela

Case Study - Nelson Mandela

This video takes a look at the personality of Nelson Mandela from his childhood to rise to power as president of  South Africa. He was instrumental in the fight to end apartheid. Various psychologist made use of various theories of personality to shed light to Mandela's personality.

It should be noted that this video is akin to Erik Erikson's study on Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi known as psychohistories. Although this video does not discuss Erikson's theory on Personality. 

  Part 1

 Part 2

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Critical Look at DSM, or the state of Psychiatry?

Below is a video critical to DSM or  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders considered as house of cards and psychiatry's deadliest scam. It posits that coming up with the list is rather political rather than scientific. The video also accuses the DSM as "pure marketing" for big psycho-pharmaceuticals and insurance companies, more mental disorders more profits. DSM have found its way in courts putting people behind bars, mental institutions, breaking up of families, drugging/medicating children and putting to foster care among others.

Just recently published DSM 5 last May 18, 2013,  also received critical and negative reviews from different individuals and groups. Among of the few links are:

Videos from you tube:

The DSM: Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam

 Uploaded on You Tube on Dec 9, 2011
It's psychiatry's best-selling catalog of mental illness — 943 pages long and covering everything from depression and anxiety to stuttering, cigarette addiction, fear of spiders, nightmares, problems with math and even disorder of infancy — all reinterpreted and labeled as a brain disease.

And though it weighs less than five pounds, its influence pervades all aspects of modern society: our governments, our courts, our military, our media and our schools.
Using it, psychiatrists can enforce psychiatric drugging, seize your children and even take away your most precious personal freedoms.
It is psychiatry's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and it is the engine that drives a $330 billion psychiatric industry.
But is there any proof behind the DSM? Or is it nothing more than an elaborate pseudoscientific sham?


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Image source -

DSM  Timeline

1890 - Emil Kraepelin (Father of Psychiatric Classification)
- dementia praecox (Schizophrenia)
- manic depressive ilness
- paranoid psychosis

1950 - DSM 1
- catalog of mental illnesses
-  listed 112 mental disorders (130 pages long)

1968 - DSM 2
- 178 disorders

1980 - DSM 3
- Robert Spitzer was selected as chairman of the task force
- 259 disorders
- chemical imbalance theory - Dr. Joseph Schildkraut, Professor of Psychiatry

1987 the DSM-III-R
- categories renamed, reorganized, and significant changes in criteria were made

1994 - DSM 4
- 297 disorders in 886 pages
- Dr. Allen Frances, Head of the Task Force

2000 - DSM IV-TR
- "text revision"
-  organized into a five-part axial system
- 374 disorders
- Axis 1  -  clinical disorders
- Axis 2 -  personality disorders and intellectual disabilities.
- other  axes covered medical, psychosocial, environmental, and childhood factors functionally necessary to provide diagnostic criteria for health care assessments.
- category for not otherwise specified
- unspecified mental disorder (?)

2013-  DSM 5

- dropping Asperger syndrome as a distinct classification; loss of subtype classifications for variant forms of schizophrenia; dropping the "bereavement exclusion" for depressive disorders; a revised treatment and naming of gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria, and a new gambling disorder.
- includes hoarding disorder, skin picking, binge eating, internet addiction
- psychosis risk syndrome (preventive pre-psychotic campaign?)


Updated links on DSM 5 

American Psychiatric Association (developer of DSM):
Open letter from one of the Divisions of the America Psychological Association
Prominent psychiatrist, Allen Frances, critique:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Psychology Links from Alltop

Psychology Links from