Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Congratulations New RPm of 2017


Basic Stats for BLEPP 2017

Total # of Examinees = 8,701
Total # of Passers = 4,957 
Total # of Schools = 297 
National Passing Rate = 56.97%
Passing Rate (First Timers) = 58.44%
Venues = (10 major cities) Manila, Baguio, Cagayan De Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, Lucena, Tuguegarao and Zamboanga 

Full text of the Official Result of BLEPP 2017 by TinoRepaso on Scribd

Source -

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

PRB of Psychology Resolution No. 11 Series of 2017

Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology
Resolution No. 11
Series of 2017

Adoption and Promulgation of the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for Psychology Practitioners in the Philippines

WHEREAS, Section 7 of Republic Act No.10029 also known as the Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 mandates the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology (Board) to monitor the conditions and circumstances affecting the practice of Psychology and Psychometrics in the Philippines and to adopt such measures as may be deemed lawful and proper for the enhancement and maintenance of high professional,  ethical and technical standards of the profession;

WHEREAS, Section 32 of the same law provides that the Board shall adopt and promulgate the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for the Psychology Practitioners that is prescribed and issued by the Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO) for the Psychology and Psychometrics profession;

WHEREAS, Section 26 thereof further states that the Board shall have the power, after notice and hearing, to suspend  or revoke the Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card or to cancel the Special/Temporary Permit granted pursuant to the law on any of the grounds therein set forth, including violations or conspiracy to violate any of the provisions of RA No.10029, its implementing rules and regulations, Code of Ethics and Professional Standards promulgated by the Board.

WHEREAS, the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards shall set forth the ethical and technical principles that shall govern the practice of all Psychologists and Psychometricians in the Philippines;

WHEREAS, as early as 2008, the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) has already  adopted a Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for the Psychology Practitioners in the Philippines, which document underwent thorough stakeholders' review on December 2015;

WHEREAS, the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for  Psychology Practitioners was endorsed to the Board and the Commission for adoption and promulgation;

WHEREFORE, the Board hereby RESOLVES, as it is so RESOLVED to adopt and promulgate the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for the Psychology Practitioners in the Philippines, as part of the rules and regulations governing the practice of the Psychology profession in the country, and which copy is hereto appended as Annex A of this Resolution;

This Resolution, including its Annex, shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its full and complete publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of national circulation.

Let copies hereof be furnished the U.P. Law Center, the Philippine Psychological Association (PAP) and other Psychology professional organizations for information and wider circulation.

Done in the City of Manila this 24th day of August 2017.


Miriam P. Cue

Alexa P. Abrenica

Imelda Virginia G. Villar

Attested by:

Atty. Lovelika T. Bautista
OIC, Secretary's Office of the Professional Regurds

Approved by:

Teofilo S. Pilando,Jr.

Angeline T. Chua Chiaco

Yolanda D. Reyes



The Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) adopted a Code of Ethics for the Philippines in 2008. On December 2015,  upon the request of the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology (Board), a review of this Code was undertaken. This review was attended  by the PAP  Board of Directors and Division Chairs as well as the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology (Board) Chairperson and Members for the purpose of updating the Code in order to reflect advancements/changes in the field of Psychology, such as the administration of the licensure examinations and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Core Competencies of Psychology.

The code presents the principles and standards that shall govern the norms of conduct and ethics of all registered Psychologists and Psychometricians in the Philippines. For purposes of this Code, the term "Psychology Practitioners" shall be used to refer to all registered and licensed Psychologists and Psychometricians in the Philippines.

Both PAP and the Board shall take steps to ensure that all Psychology practitioners will know, understand and be properly guided by this Code. As such, the PAP and the Board shall encourage continuous discussions on the Code or any of its specific provisions, with the goal of making the Code a priority concern among all Psychology practitioners. Mindful of the fact that the Code can never completely address all the possible emergent ethical concerns, the PAP and the Board shall nonetheless encourage all Psychology practitioners to study the Code and make recommendations for its continuous improvement. Any suggestions for the amendments, repeal of certain provisions of this Code shall be submitted in writing, with supporting arguments and explanations, to the PAP Scientific and Ethics Committee and/or the Board. The PAP and the Board commit to regularly review the Code and to adopt changes or amendments thereto whenever necessary.


Psychology Practitioners in the Philippines adhere to the following Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists that was adopted unanimously by the General Assembly of the International Union of Psychological Science in Berlin on July 22, 2008 and by the Board of Directors of the International Association of Applied Psychology in Berlin on July 26, 2008.

(Please refer to the embedded file for the following sections :)


PRINCIPLE I - Respect for the Dignity of Persons and Peoples

PRINCIPLE II - Competent Caring for the Well-Being of  Persons and Peoples
PRINCIPLE IV - Professional and Scientific Responsibilities to Society

(Note: he text below on General Ethical Standards and Procedures were largely lifted from the Psychological Association of the Philippines with some editing and revisions.)


The following general ethical standards and procedures describe various aspects of the professional and scholarly activities of Psychology practitioners:

I. Resolving Ethical Issues  
II. Standards of Professional Competence
III. Human Relations
IV. Confidentiality
V.  Advertisement and Public Statements
VI. Records and Fees


A. Misuse of Works
In instances where misuse or misrepresentation of our work comes to our attention, Psychology practitioners   take appropriate and reasonable steps to correct or minimize effects of such misuse or

B. Conflicts between Ethics and Law, Regulations or other Governing Legal Authority
In instances where the Code of Ethics conflicts with the law, regulations of governing legal
authority, Psychology practitioners  shall take appropriate actions to resolve the conflict.
However, if the conflicts cannot be resolved by such means, they must adhere to the law, rules and regulations or governing legal authority.

C. Conflicts between Ethics and Organizational Demands
In instances where this Code of Ethics conflicts with organizational demands, Psychology practitioners  shall endeavor to make this  Code of Ethics known to the organization. Psychology practitioners   shall declare their commitment and adherence to this Code when resolving the conflicts.

D. Action on  Ethical Violations
a. If an action is  likely to cause harm to a person or organization, Psychology practitioners shall take further action to report violation to the appropriate institutional authorities.
b. Complaints against any Psychology practitioner maybe lodged with the Board and the Commission.

E. Cooperating with Ethics Committee
Psychology practitioners   cooperate with the ethics investigation and  proceedings conducted by the Board and/or the Psychological Association/s  to which they belong .

F. Improper Complaints
Psychology practitioners   refrain from filing baseless, frivolous or malicious ethical complaints.

H. Unfair Discrimination Against Complainants and Respondents
Psychology practitioners shall not discriminate against complainants and respondents in any ethical complaint.

(Note: Letter G was omitted in the sequence, in the original PAP version,  an item D. Informal Resolution of Ethical Violations was deleted in this version of Resolution 11 Annex A).


A. Boundaries of Competence
a. Psychology practitioners   shall provide services, teach, and conduct research only within the boundaries of their competences, based on their education, training, supervised internship, consultation, study or professional experience.
b. Psychology practitioners   shall make appropriate referrals, except as provided in Standard A.2, on Providing Services in Emergencies, where their existing competences are not sufficient to ensure
effective implementation or provision of their   services.
c. When Psychology practitioners   plan to provide services, teach, or conduct research involving populations, areas, techniques, or technologies that are new to them and/or are beyond their existing
competences, they must undertake relevant education, training, supervised experience,
consultation, or thorough study.
d. As not to deprive individuals or groups of necessary services, Psychology practitioners may provide the service for which they do not have existing competences as long as they
  1. have closely related prior training or experience, and
  2. make a reasonable effort to obtain the competences required by undergoing relevant research, training, consultation, or thorough study.
e. In those emerging areas in which generally recognized standards for preparatory training
do not yet exist, but in which Psychology practitioners   are required or requested to make available their   services, they  shall take reasonable steps to ensure the competence in the work and to protect their  clients/patients, students, supervisees, research participants, organizational clients, and
others from harm.
f. Psychology practitioners   shall be reasonably familiar with the relevant judicial or administrative rules when assuming forensic roles.

B. Providing Services in Emergencies
Psychology practitioners   shall make available their   services in emergency situations to individuals when the necessary mental health services are not available even if they lack the training appropriate to the case, to ensure these individuals are not deprived of the emergency services they require at that
point in time. However, they shall immediately discontinue said services as soon as the emergency has ended and that appropriate competent are already available.

C. Maintaining Competence
Psychology practitioners   shall undertake continuing education and training to ensure that their  services continue to be relevant and applicable.

D. Bases for Scientific and Professional Judgments
Psychology practitioners   shall base their   work on established scientific and professional knowledge of the discipline. (See also Standards II.A (e), Boundaries of Competence; VIII.B.(a), Informed Consent to Therapy; V.A, Avoiding of False Deceptive Statements; V.C, Workshops, Seminars, and Non-Degree-Granting Educational Programs; VII. E, Interpreting Assessment Results; VII.G,
Explaining Assessment Results; VIII.F, Competent Practice; IX.C, Accuracy in Teaching)

E. Delegation of Work to Others
In cases where Psychology practitioners have to delegate work to employees, supervisees, or research or teaching assistants or when using the services of others, such as interpreters, they shall take reasonable steps to:
a. avoid delegating such work to persons who have a multiple relationship with those being
served that would likely lead to exploitation or loss of objectivity;
b. delegate or assign only those responsibilities that such persons can be expected to perform
competently on the basis of their education, training, or experience, either independently
or with the level of supervision being provided; and

c. see that such persons perform these services competently. (See also Standards II.B, Providing Services in Emergencies; III.E, Multiple Relationships; IV.A, Maintaining Confidentiality; VII.A, Bases for Assessments; , VII.C, Use of Assessment Tools; VII.B, Informed Consent in Assessments; VII.I, Assessment by Unqualified Persons; and X.F, Offering Inducements for Research Participation)

F. Personal Problems and Conflicts
a. Psychology practitioners   shall refrain from initiating an activity when they know or anticipate that there is a substantial likelihood that their personal problems or schedules will prevent them from performing such activities in a competent or sustained manner.
b. When the Psychology practitioners shall become aware of personal problems that may interfere with the performance of work-related duties, they shall take appropriate measures, such as obtaining professional consultation or assistance, making referrals and determine whether they should limit, suspend, or terminate these work-related duties. (See also Standard 10.10, Terminating Therapy.)


A. Unfair Discrimination
In work-related activities, Psychology practitioners   shall not discriminate against persons based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or for any basis contrary to what is prescribed by law.

B. Sexual Harassment
Psychology practitioners shall not engage in sexual harassment as defined in the Philippine Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (RA No. 7877).

C. Other Harassments
Psychology practitioners   shall not knowingly harass or demean persons with whom they  interact in their   work on the account of age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin,
religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or socioeconomic status.

D. Avoiding Harm
Psychology practitioners   shall take reasonable steps to avoid harming their   clients/patients, students, supervisees, research participants, organizational clients, and others with whom they  work with and to minimize harm where it is foreseeable but unavoidable.

E. Multiple Relationships
a. Psychology practitioners   shall refrain from entering into a multiple relationship if such could reasonably be expected to impair their   objectivity, competence, or effectiveness in performing their functions as such, or if such relationship will likely result to exploitation or harm to the person with whom their   professional relationship exists. The multiple relationship occurs when a Psychology practitioner is in a professional role with a person and at the same time (1) is in another role with the same person; or (2) is in a relationship with a person closely associated with or related to the person with whom the Psychology practitioner  has professional relationship; or (3) is likely to enter into a future relationship with that client/patient. If however, the Psychology practitioners   shall find that, due to unforeseen factors, a potentially harmful multiple relationship has arisen, they shall take reasonable steps to resolve it with due regard to the best interests of the affected person and adherence of this Code.
b. When Psychology practitioners   shall be required by law, institutional policy, or extraordinary circumstances to serve in more than one (1) role in judicial or administrative proceedings,  they shall endeavor to inform the authorities about their Code of  Ethics, to clarify role expectations and extent of confidentiality and update them as changes occur. (See also Standards III.D, Avoiding Harm, and III.G, Third-Party Requests for Services.)

F. Conflict of Interest
Psychology practitioners   shall refrain from taking on a professional role when personal, scientific, professional, legal, financial, or other interests or relationship could reasonably be expected to (1) impair their   objectivity, competence, or effectiveness in performing their   functions as such; or (2) expose the person or organization with whom they are in a relationship with to exploitation.

G. Third-Party Requests for Services
When Psychology practitioners   agree to provide services to a person or entity at the request of a third party, they shall stipulate at the outset of the service the nature of the relationship with all
individuals or organizations involved. This clarification includes their   expected role (e.g.,
therapist, consultant, diagnostician, or expert witness), an identification of who is the client,
the probable uses of the services provided or the information obtained, and the fact that there
may be limits to confidentiality. (See also Standards II.B, Providing Services in Emergencies;
III.E, Multiple Relationships; IV.B, Limitations of Confidentiality; IV.G, Use of Confidential
Information for Other Purposes; VII.B (c), Informed Consent in Assessment; VII.G,
Explaining Assessment Results; VIII.A,, Confidentiality; X.O, Sharing Research Data for
Verification; and X.P, Reviewers)

H. Exploitative Relationships
Psychology practitioners   shall not exploit persons over whom Psychology practitioners   have supervisory, evaluative, or other authority such as clients/patients, students, supervisees, research participants, and employees. (See also Standards III.E, Multiple Relationships; VI.D, Fees and Financial Arrangements;  Barter with Clients/Patients; IX.G, Sexual Relationships With Students and Supervisees; Sexual Intimacies With Current Therapy Clients/Patients; VIII.D (e), Sexual Intimacies with Relatives or Significant Others of Current Therapy Clients/Patients; VIII.D (f), Therapy With Former Sexual Partners; and VIII.D (f), Sexual Intimacies With Former Therapy  Clients/Patients.)

Unfinished, for updating, to be continued....
(updated - 22 November 2017)

Related Read:

PRB of Psychology Resolution No.12 Series of 2017

Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology
Resolution No. 12
Series of 2017

Endorsement, Adoption and Ratification of the International Declaration of Core Competences in Professional Psychology as Part of the Implementing Rules and Regulations Governing the Practice of the Psychology and Pyschometrics Profession in the Philippines

WHEREAS, Section 7 of Republic Act No.10029 also known as the Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 mandates the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology (Board) to monitor the conditions and circumstances affecting the practice of Psychology and Psychometrics in the Philippines and to adopt such measures as may be deemed lawful and proper for the enhancement and maintenance of high professional,  ethical and technical standards of the profession;

WHEREAS, Section 32 of the same law provides that the Board shall adopt and promulgate the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for the Psychology Practitioners that is prescribed and issued by the Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO) for the Psychology and Psychometrics profession;

WHEREAS, Section 26 thereof further states that the Board shall have the power, after notice and hearing, to suspend  or revoke the Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card or to cancel the Special/Temporary Permit granted pursuant to the law on any of the grounds therein set forth, including violations or conspiracy to violate any of the provisions of RA No.10029, its implementing rules and regulations, Code of Ethics and Professional Standards promulgated by the Board.

WHEREAS, the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards shall set forth the ethical and technical principles that shall govern the practice of all Psychologists and Psychometricians in the Philippines;

WHEREAS, as early as July 2013, initiatives have already been undertaken to develop global agreement on identifying the benchmark competencies that define the professional practice of Psychology. These initiatives jumpstarted the launching of the International Project on Competence in Psychology, a multi-stakeholder international project aimed at exploring areas of common understanding and agreement among the participants in the field of Psychology and the creation of the Workgroup and Reference Groups responsible for the drafting of the "International Declaration on Core Competencies in Professional Psychology" (International Declaration);

WHEREAS, stakeholders consultations have been conducted to review the provisions and principles embodied in this International Declaration;

WHEREFORE, upon these premises, the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology (Board) hereby RESOLVES to endorse, adopt and ratify the hereto attached document, entitled "International Declaration on Core Competences in Professional Psychology" (Annex A) as part of the implementing rules and regulations governing the practice of Psychology and Psychometrics professions in the Philippines.

This Resolution, including its Annex, shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its full and complete publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of national circulations.

Let copies hereof be furnished the U.P. Law Center, the Philippine Psychological Association (PAP) and other professional psychology associations/organizations for information.

Done this 6th day of September 2017 in the City of Manila.


Mirriam P. Cue

Alexa P. Abrenica

Imelda Virginia G. Villar

Attested by:

Atty. Lovelika T. Bautista
OIC, Secretary's Office of the Professional Regurds

Approved by:

Teofilo S. Pilando,Jr.

Angeline T. Chua Chiaco

Yolanda D. Reyes

This Resolution No. 12 was published in The Philippine Star Classfinder Section,  pages B10 and B11 on Saturday, 28 October 2017.

Below is a copy of the  International Declaration on Core Competencies in Professional Psychology
that was adopted in toto as Annex A of  Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology
Resolution No. 12, Series of 2017.

Also,  the document below was also adopted by International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) 15 June 2016 and by the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) 25 July 2016).

Friday, October 20, 2017


(photo taken from the net)

Room Assignment for October 2017 Board Licensure Exam for Psychometricians

Partial Total Number of Examinees =  7,671 

Source -

Please continue to monitor this page for future updates.   Good luck Batch 2017!
Kita-kits sa Oath Taking!

Room Assignment RPm Iloilo Oct 2017 by TinoRepaso on Scribd

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Natural Cure for Anxiety Symptoms

CBD or Cannabidiol is an exciting cannabinoid that occurs naturally in cannabis. It is found in flowers, seeds, and the stalk of cannabis plants that include marijuana and hemp. Cannabidiol is among the more than 400 compounds that are found in cannabis sativa. CBD is no longer a little-known molecule. It’s now a potential breakthrough therapeutic aid and nutritional component. Unlike the other cannabinoids, CBD occurs in significant amounts in cannabis. Therefore, its extraction from cannabis plants is relatively easy.

A huge segment of the human population is affected by anxiety-related disorders and though there are many prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs available, more and more people are turning to CBD for anxiety relief.  We started with organic remedies, then turned to science, and now we are slowly migrating back to mother nature as a lot of people are tired of synthetic medications and are wanting a more natural and organic remedy. This switch back to a natural alternative has led to straight to CBD oil.
Even though cannabidiol has not been medically proven to be a cure or a treatment for anxiety, anxiety sufferers are still willing to give various CBD products a try in hopes that it will relieve their anxiety symptoms and today, cannabidiol oil is perhaps the most promising organic dietary supplement to do just that.

CBD helps with anxiety and depression in two noticeable ways:
  • Effect on 5-HT1A AgonistCBD works by exerting several actions on the brain. It has been proven effective in boosting signaling via a serotonin receptor 5-HT1A agonist. 5-HT1A is a serotonin receptor subtype that is important because depression and anxiety can be treated with drugs that target serotonin system. That why selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), works by blocking serotonin re-absorption in the brain. This, in turn, increases serotonin availability in the synaptic space. Consequently, there is an increase in the signals that are transmitted by the brain cells thereby boosting mood and reducing anxiety in some cases. CBD works like SSRIs. It boosts signaling via serotonin receptors. In fact, some studies have shown that CBD can enhance 5HT1A transmission and its effect on serotonin may be faster than those of SSRIs.
  • Effect on HippocampusThe hippocampus is a brain area that plays a significant role in various brain functions. It is particularly popular for its role in cognition and memory formation. Scans of anxiety and depression patients reveal a smaller hippocampus. And, depression therapeutic aids show regeneration of neurons or neurogenesis in this area. That means these therapeutic aids may help with depression and anxiety. Both CBD and SSRIs have been proven effective in promoting neurogenesis. This is important because evidence shows that when severely impaired, neuronal plasticity can lead to suicidal behaviors.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

RA 10609 Protection of Students Right to Enroll in Review Centers Act of 2013

Republic Act No. 10609
August 22, 2013
H. No. 3546

Republic of the Philippines
Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila

Fifteenth Congress
Third Regular Session

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand twelve.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the “Protection of Students’ Right to Enroll in Review Centers Act of 2013”.

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is the declared policy of the State to promote and protect the right to education as enshrined in the Philippine Constitution. While the State recognizes the complementary roles of public and private institutions in the enhancement and strengthening of the educational system, it is also the responsibility of the State to ensure the protection of students against possible abuses by Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in relation to the right of students to choose their review centers.

SEC. 3. Coverage. – This Act shall cover all public and private HEIs, including local colleges and universities, offering courses that require professional licensure examinations.

SEC. 4. Unlawful Acts. – In recognition of the student’s freedom to choose his/her review center, the following acts by HEIs shall be considered unlawful:

(1) Compelling students enrolled in courses requiring professional examinations to take review classes, which are not part of the curriculum, in a review center of the HEI’s choice;

(2) Making such review classes a prerequisite for graduation or completion of the course;

(3) Forcing students to enroll in a review center of the school’s choice, and to pay the corresponding fees that include transportation and board and lodging; and

(4) Withholding the transcript of scholastic records, diploma, certification or any essential document of the student to be used in support of the application for the professional licensure examinations so as to compel the students to attend in a review center of the HEI’s choice.

SEC. 5. Penalties. – Any HEI official or employee, including deans, coordinators, advisers, professors and other concerned individuals found guilty of violating any of the unlawful acts enumerated in Section 4 of this Act shall suffer the penalty prision correccional or imprisonment from six (6) months and one (1) day to six (6) years and a fine of Seven hundred fifty thousand pesos (P750,000.00). He/She shall also be suspended from his/her office and his/her professional license revoked.

In addition, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) may impose disciplinary sanctions against an HEI official or employee violating this Act pursuant to Section 13 of Republic Act No. 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Modernization Act of 1994”.

SEC. 6. Implementing Rules and Regulations. – The CHED shall be tasked to issue the implementing rules and regulations of this Act within thirty (30) days after this law takes effect.

SEC. 7. Separability Clause. – Should any provision herein be declared unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Act.

SEC. 8. Repealing Clause. – All laws, presidential decrees or issuances, executive orders, letters of instruction, administrative orders, administrative memoranda, rules and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby amended, modified or repealed accordingly.

SEC. 9. Effectivity Clause. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication the

Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.


Acting Senate President

(Sgd.) FELICIANO BELMONTE JR.Speaker of the House of Representatives

This Act which originated in the House of Representatives was finally passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on December 8, 2010 and June 5, 2013, respectively.

Secretary of the Senate

Speaker General
House of Representatives

Approved: AUG 23 2013

President of the Philippines

Source -

Thursday, August 24, 2017


PRC Board of Psychology have already released the program for BLEPP 2017. Check the schedule of exams to be taken during the first and last day.

No changes in the TOS - Table of Specifications so you may refer here -

Source -